Tag Archives: patient education

Oral Manifestations: Common Systemic Diseases

Interested in learning more about the connections between oral and systemic health? If so, check out this table that identifies some of the most common conditions/diseases known today and the associated number of symptoms that manifest within the oral cavity. To view/share this chart, [CLICK HERE]

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Patient Education: 50% Don’t Get the Message

Think you’re getting through to your patients? Think again…studies show that up to 50% of them walk out of the office not knowing what they were told and/or what they’re supposed to do. Overall, that percentage is far too high, especially when it’s referring to information that can be vital to their health and the health of those around them. To view this infographic, [CLICK HERE]

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English-Spanish Terminology in Dentistry PDF

A free PDF on English-Spanish Terminology in the Dental Office is now available under the Clinical Resources tab on the website for The Richmond Institute for Continuing Dental Education. If you are not a current member, simply sign up for a free membership, and you’ll be granted complete access to everything on the site, including this PDF and many other professional resources. [View More]

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